Use these tips to overcome your fear of swimming in open water

Have you ever gone to a lake and been afraid to swim in the open water? Or, maybe you've read about sharks in the news and now you're worried that one might attack you while swimming. Whatever your reasons for being afraid of swimming in open water, there are ways that you can overcome this fear.

Ways to overcome your fear of swimming in open water:

Swimming in open water can be a daunting prospect, especially if you're not used to it. But with the right preparation and mindset, you can overcome your fear and enjoy the experience. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Get to know the area before taking the plunge. 

If possible, visit the location ahead of time and take a look around. Familiarize yourself with the layout and have an idea of what to expect when you're swimming. This will help reduce any anxiety or uncertainty on your part.

Map out your route. For the best route, and to feel safe, a swimmer should focus on distances. If you aren't in shape, begin with a shorter route or a less challenging one. A swimmer that's in shape should be able to swim a mile or more without stopping.

Conquering your fear of the unknown by learning about what is actually in the water

Have you ever found yourself on the shoreline, looking out at the vast expanse of open water and feeling a sense of dread? If so, you're not alone. Fear of swimming in open water is a very real phenomenon, and it can be debilitating for those who want to enjoy the many benefits of swimming in nature. Here are some facts that may help put your mind at ease next time you're standing on the beach:

  1. The shark species in open water is generally pretty small

    There's good news and bad news here. The good news is that the shark species in open water is one of the smaller ones, which means the likelihood of an attack is ower than you probably think.  

  2. There are only 500 freshwater species of jellyfish in the world; there are over 1000 in saltwater. In freshwater, jellyfish are short-lived and don't reproduce. Jellyfish only attack when blood, meat, or other organic matter has been introduced into their natural habitat. 

Address any specific fears you may have

When it comes to overcoming fears related to swimming in open water, there are a few key things to keep in mind. 

The first thing is to practice. I know, practice isn't much fun, but you need to make sure that you can swim the distance you need to swim.

The second thing is that you need to believe that you can do it. Believing in yourself is probably the single most important thing you can do. 

Putting yourself in situations where you feel comfortable

If you're someone who loves the sea o lakes but has never been able to swim in open water, don't worry! There are ways to overcome your fear and enjoy the beautiful blue. It all starts with putting yourself in small situations where you feel comfortable, such as standing in waist-deep water or swimming near the shore.

From there, you can gradually work your way up to swimming farther out and even diving into the deep end. With a little bit of practice and perseverance, you'll be enjoying open water swims in no time!

How to overcome fear of swimming in open water

Finally, it's important to remember just how much fun open water swimming can be. If you focus too much on the negatives, you may never reach your full potential as an open water swimmer, and you'll miss out on a truly amazing experience.

With the tips and suggestions provided in this article, overcoming your fears of open water swimming should be a breeze.

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